附近枪店有一支据称非常新的马牌撸子,Colt 1903, 1917年生产。标价九百美元


Colt 1903 HAMMERLESS .32 256xxx $899.95 TYPE III, 1917 MFG, 1 MAG, EXC CONDITION


[枪械知识] 马年买马:终于拍到马牌撸子

(2014年):“是 gunbroker. $382成交”
(2023年):本地枪店出售,Colt 1903,TYPE III, 1917 MFG, 1 MAG, EXC CONDITION,900美元

2 个赞


2021年花了五百多美元买了一支Browning 1955 (FN 1910 花口撸子的克隆),品相非常好,跟新的一样,380 ACP口径,子弹不贵,靶场上可以放开打。
然后,对各种撸子的热度就迅速降温。马牌撸子,参与的历史事件无法与花口撸子相比,在中国的电影和电视剧上露面也远远不如。.32 ACP 口径又失去了实用价值了。所以,也就是关注一下市场行情,考古一下老帖子,再重温一下C&Rsenal, Forgotten Weapons 这些Youtube 频道,仅此而已了。



网上说,Colt 1903 生产到1945年。总产量57万支。
Colt 1903 的外形被托卡列夫手枪模仿。好像有代用品。

FN 1910生产到1983年。总产量70万支。但是据这里的大神们说,没有跌落保险。加以改进,重新生产,可能会有市场。

我的花口撸子是1940年产的,.32ACP 口径的,估计可能是被德国占领前的最后一批。我的枪牌撸子是中国山寨的,工艺还是非常好的,但是没有领会设计和工作原理,不管有没有上膛,cocking piece总是翘起,挡住瞄准线,只能point and shoot。有朝一日,会淘个原装正品。马牌撸子也一直在蹲守,就是价太高,下不去手。想要的枪很多,就是囊中羞涩啊 :sob:

Colt 1903这玩意儿应该是2018年还是19年的时候colt开始重新生产,做得非常烂尤其是涂层,而且还要1200还是1300一把,我朋友买过,我拿去和1926年造的对比,根本没法比

原产的Colt 1903没有跌落保险。US Armament做试验,百试百灵。Colt 1903如果跌落,一定会走火。

The Model 1903 got a new lease on life in 2015 when U.S. Armament came out with their Colt-licensed 1903 Hammerless General Officer’s Pocket Pistol. The project was the brainchild of company owner Curtis Wolf.
Wolf purchased about 125 surplus 1903s, which were dismantled and measured by hand and a coordinate-measuring machine. So true to the originals, most of the new parts will transition directly into originals.
The only changes were to incorporate improved manufacturing techniques and improve safety beyond the originals’ turn-of-the-century standards, said Brent Turchi, a former Colt employee who Wolf brought in to oversee the 1903 project. One safety improvement was to the sear and hammer hook, which on the originals appeared hand-polished or stoned to a small, essentially rounded surface so they had light trigger pulls, Turchi said.
And that gave them the idea of drop-testing the originals. “Every one of them fired,” Turchi said. “If we dropped the gun, it was going off.” (As a concern for carrying an original today, I’m already looking into U.S. Armament replacement parts.) So, U.S. Armament increased the hammer hook depth and sear surface to create a sharper angle, and the new models passed drop-fire tests.

The blowback-operated 1903 is faithful to the original gun in its construction and operation. Although called the Pocket Hammerless, there is an internal hammer inside the frame’s rear.

从这张图片看到,Colt 1903是Blowback原理。枪管用半圆凸隼与枪身固定,和FN 1910非常像。
难怪所有文章都说,托卡列夫手枪只是外形上借鉴了Colt 1903, 尤其是笔直的握把。内部构造是从Colt 1911的基础上修改的。这个论坛上说Colt 1911的设计,对精度要求到千分之一英寸。三十年代的苏联显然无法用这个精度大量生产制式手枪。托卡列夫的改动,应该是简化生产工艺,降低加工精度要求。