不符合FL CWL条件的TX LTC持有者在FL隐蔽持枪?

我是F1身份,不符合FL CWL条件,不能在FL permitless carry;但我还是TX居民和LTC持有者,FL和TX有CCW证件互认协议且FL认可所有州给其居民发的证件;对以下文本的粗略理解让我觉得可以带

Effective July 1, 2023, a nonresident of Florida may carry a concealed weapon or concealed firearm while in Florida if the nonresident is 21 years of age or older and he or she satisfies the criteria for receiving and maintaining a license to carry a concealed weapon or concealed firearm under Section 790.06(2)(a)–(f) and (i)–(n), (3), and (10), F.S., or has in his or her immediate possession a valid license to carry a concealed weapon or concealed firearm issued to the nonresident in his or her state of residence.


我觉得保险起见还是找个律师问问吧。理论上来讲F1 visa不算任何一个州的resident,不过德州好像是说连续六个月居住就算某种意义上的resident,所以这方面还是有点模糊的)