
之前拿猎人照是上了hunter ed拿的,按道理说虽然是网课也算是training,也讲了firearm safety和基本原理,过来人讲讲这个i485的问题你们怎么填?





哈哈 是这个道理,问题是看YouTube只有自己知道

虽然我从来没见过有谁会查hunting license之类的

个人感觉这个问题严重程度没有你说的那个高 :)

我是拿了携枪证(LTC),所以选yes, 公民考试时出示携枪证给考官,她在电脑里做了纪录,整个入籍过程没有遇到问题。建议你也选yes. 不过485和400入籍表格严格程度不知道是否一样,最终决定权在你自己。:smile:




160表肯定是选no, 因为那时还没有接受枪支培训。 除非你出国前有当兵经历或军训时有枪支培训。其实其它网友建议485等都选no也是有一定道理的。综合来说是选no优点是省事,缺点是以后有极小极小概率移民局挑刺时说你隐瞒了一些事实…


打猎、打碟都是sports and recreation purpose,不算weapon训练。

认真说的话,国内大学甚至中学军训算不算? :rofl:


不过网上的律师都是建议Yes然后写清楚比如hunter ed,CCW,都没有问题

的确 律师都是这样建议的

AI 的回答:

Weapon training on the I-485 form (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status) refers to formal instruction or practice in handling, using, or training with weapons. This includes firearms, explosive devices, knives, or other objects used as weapons. The question typically aims to assess an applicant’s background and determine if they have any involvement with paramilitary groups or activities that may raise security concerns.

Does a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit count as weapon training?

No, obtaining a CCW permit by itself does not automatically count as “weapon training.” However:

  • If you attended firearm safety courses or training programs as part of obtaining the permit, you should disclose this.
  • You can briefly describe the training as it applies to civilian use for self-defense, which is typically not a security concern.

For example, you might answer:

“Yes, completed firearm safety training as part of obtaining a CCW permit for personal self-defense.”

It’s essential to be honest and thorough in your answers, but this type of training is not likely to negatively impact your application as long as it is legal and not linked to any concerning activities.

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