

Quora.com 一则答复

你刚刚射杀了一个闯入你家的人。 通知警方后最好的后续步骤是什么?

好吧,如果您拨打 911,他们会告诉您保持在线状态。 我不会。 我有一个书面计划要遵循,我会遵循它。

至于 911,(我会说)“我在 {xxxx 地址} 需要警察和救护车,我是犯罪的受害者,我开枪自卫(打中)了入侵者。 我是{我和我的衣服的描述},我的枪是安全的,前门是解锁的,我要挂断电话去提供急救。”

然后我会去提供急救,但在进行急救时,我会开免提拨打我在 US LawShield 的负责律师。 他会准确地告诉我什么该做,什么不该做。 最重要的是,他会告诉我该对警察说些什么。 他一说完,我就回拨 911,并在我继续提供援助的同时让他们开着扬声器(免提)。 我有一个内容充足的急救箱,包括止血带、胸封、鼻气道、速凝纱布,如果需要,我甚至还有一个自动体外除颤器 (AED)。

所以 911 会听到我尽最大努力挽救他的生命,这也不是表演。 我希望我永远不必杀人,如果有机会救我的袭击者,我真的希望我能。 当警察和/或 EMS 到达时,我会解释我在医疗上做了什么,我把枪和我的身份证放在哪里,并指出袭击者的武器。

然后我告诉他们我的律师让我说的话。 这些话会非常类似于:“我在进行急救时打电话给我的律师。 我不得不开枪打这个人,因为我有被他杀死的危险。 我想全力合作,但我的律师需要在任何情况下在场。 他建议我等他。 如果你愿意,我会让他知道来这里,或者我们可以去警察局或者医院。 不过,首先,我需要叫我的孩子们在我不在的时候来照顾我残疾的妻子,而且,为了我自己的安全,我真的需要洗个澡,换掉这些该死的衣服。 我想你们无论如何都需要把它们打包起来。 我只是不想从我拯救这个人的努力中沾上什么不该的东西。 出于这个原因,也因为我的年龄和健康状况,如果可以的话,我非常需要去体检。”

然后,这只是一个看看会发生什么的问题。 我已经准备好了东西。 我有住在我附近的成年孩子。 我有当前的药物清单和三天的剂量,分别放在我和我妻子的随身包里,还有一台备用的 BiPAP 机器,盒子里有我的肺科医生的说明和处方副本,这样我就可以安心睡觉了。 它已经预设好,还有很长的软管,所以它应该是我们可以使用的东西,即使我被拘留了。

孩子们可以访问我的银行账户,所以如果被追究责任,我应该可以保释。 我不希望那样,但你永远不会知道。 不过做好准备是值得的。 总而言之,这种不太可能发生的情况,可能是我经历过的最糟糕的事情,是可以幸存的……

一个很重要的建议。 当我们决定成为武装自卫者,行使我们的第二修正案权利时,我们有责任定期训练,了解和理解关于我们拥有和使用枪支的法律,明确知道我们什么时候可以开枪,什么时候不能开枪。 不要开枪。 这是一项公共职责。 伴随着强大的力量而来的是巨大的责任。

不过,我们大多数人也对家人负有责任。 为你的生命而战可能只会持续几秒钟。 如果您胜诉,这场官司可能代价高昂。 数万美元,可能更多。 那是为了捍卫你的清白。 对我来说,这对我的家人来说是一场灾难。 失去一切。

所以我每个月为 US LawShield 支付几美元。 他们也让我可以在需要时随时联系我的负责律师。 我曾打电话给我的律师,了解携带某些武器穿越三个州去猎熊之旅的具体细节。 他给了我一个基于实际法律和他的专业知识的法律意见。 我上卡车时感到很安全,因为我相信我的律师而不是互联网上的人。 如果我确实需要为自己或我的家人辩护,他会为我辩护,我不会失去我拥有的一切。 这比我每月的 Netflix 账单还便宜。 物有所值能让人安心入睡。


最后一件事。 甚至警察在枪击事件后也能得到一些帮助。 夺取人的生命,即使是一次好的、正当的枪击,也会对任何正常人造成伤害。 不要羞于为您的家人接受一些治疗。 他们也受此影响。 努力正确处理这种情况,确保你把责任归咎于它所属的地方,这对于避免此类事件造成 PTSD 至关重要。

这是我的计划,我希望它永远不会发生。 对于我可能遇到的大多数可预见的防御类型,我都有一个非常详细的书面计划。 在佛罗里达州,毁灭性的飓风总是很可能发生,我有水、食物、发电机、灭火器和药物可以用几个星期,没有公用设施或紧急医疗帮助。 我用同样的预先计划来对待家庭防御。

我认为关键在于,一旦拥有,永远保持。 “做好准备”对任何情况都是好建议。


You have just shot an intruder in your home. What are the best follow up steps to take once you have notified the police?

Well, if you call 911 they will tell you to stay on the line. I won’t. I have a written plan to follow and I will follow it.

As to 911, “I need police and ambulance at {address}, I am a victim of a crime, I have shot the intruder in self defence. I am {description of me and my clothing}, my gun is secured, the front door is unlocked, I am going to hang up to go provide first aid.”

Then I do go provide first aid but while that’s happening I’m on speaker to my program attorney with US LawShield. He will tell me exactly what to do, and what not to do. Most important, he will tell me what to say to the police. As soon as he is finished, I buzz back 911 and keep them on speaker while I continue to render aid. I have a pretty extensive first aid kit that includes tourniquets, chest seals, nasal airways, quick clot gauze, I even have an automated external defibrillator (AED) if needed.

So 911 will hear me doing my best to save his life, and that’s no show either. I hope I never have to take a life and if there is a chance of saving my attacker, I really hope I can. When the cops and or EMS arrive I will explain what I have done medically, and where I secured the gun and my ID, as well as point out the attacker’s weapon.

Then I tell them what my attorney told me to say. It will assuredly be very close to this, “I called my attorney while I was rendering first aid. I had to shoot this guy because I was in danger of being killed by him. I want to cooperate fully but my attorney needs to be with me during any questioning. He has advised me to wait for him. If you like I will let him know to either come here or we can go to the station, or the hospital. First though, I need to call my kids to come take care of my disabled wife while I’m gone, and, for my own safety, I really need to wash myself and change out of these bloody clothes. I imagine you guys need to bag them up anyway. I just don’t want to catch anything from my efforts to save this man. For that reason and because my age and health, I would really like to get checked out medically too if it’s possible.”

Then, it’s just a matter of seeing what happens. I have things in place already. I have adult kids who live in my neighborhood. I have current med lists and three days worth of dosages in a go bag for me and my wife separately, plus a spare BiPAP machine for me, with instructions and prescription copies from my pulmonologist in the case, so I can sleep safely. It’s preprogrammed and I have long hoses so it should be something we can work with, even if I am detained.

The kids have access to my accounts so I should be able to make bond if charges are pressed. I don’t expect that but you never know. It pays to be prepared though. All in all, this very unlikely scenario, probably the worst thing I’ve ever been through, will be survivable…

A big recommendation though. When we decide to be armed defenders, to exercise our second amendment rights, we have a duty to train regularly, to know and understand the laws concerning our ownership and use of firearms, to know with certainty when we can shoot and when we can’t shoot. That a public duty. It’s the great responsibility that comes with that great power.

Most of us have a responsibility to our families too though. The battle for your life will probably only last for a few seconds. If you prevail, the legal battle can be expensive. Tens of thousands of dollars, possibly a magnitude more. That’s to defend your Innocence. To me that would be a disaster for my family. Loss of everything.

So I pay a few bucks a month for US LawShield. They give me access to my program attorney anytime I need it too. I was able to call my attorney about specifics of carrying certain weapons through three states to go on a bear hunting trip. :bear: He gave me a legal opinion that is based on actual law and his expertise. I got in my truck feeling secure in the fact I was trusting my attorney as opposed to a guy in the internet. If I ever do have to defend myself or my family he will defend me and I don’t have lose everything I own. This is cheaper than my monthly Netflix bill. Worth it to sleep soundly.

If you retain impeccable intent during the incident, act with respect and honesty to the police afterward, and if you follow your attorney’s advice to the letter, you and your family can get past this.

One final thing. Even police get some help after a shooting. Taking a human life, even a good, justified, shooting, is going to take a toll on any normal person. Don’t be shy about getting some therapy for you bc for your family. They were affected by this too. Working to process this situation properly, to make sure you’re putting blame where it belongs, is essential to avoiding PTSD from this sort of incident.

This is my plan for something I hope will never happen. I have a very detailed written plan for most forseeable types of defense I could encounter. In Florida devestating hurricanes are always a ptobablity and I have water, food, generators, fire extinguishers, and meds for a couple of weeks without utilities or emergency medical help. I treat home defense with same sort of pre-planning.

I guess it’s a matter of, once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout. “Be Prepared”, is just good advice for everything.

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另一则回复: https://qr.ae/pysw9F

想得太多了。 (注意:他们通常以 2-3 个暴徒为一组旅行)。 如果他们知道你在那里入侵你的家(入侵家庭),你可以假设他们可能已经计划射杀你、殴打你、强奸你等等。

此时你唯一关心的是消除威胁……大多数家庭防御武器(不需要许可证的步枪)的弹夹大小可达 10 发。 您应该至少准备好 (4) 个弹夹并装满弹药。 使用高质量、高速、空心子弹的半自动步枪将在您房屋内近距离快速射击 3-5 次以内击倒一个人。 也就是说,一个弹夹消除了两个威胁,如果第三个弹夹还没有跑掉,快速重新加载一个新弹夹会给你 10 次以上的射击。


之后,报警并让他们完成他们的工作。 你没有责任提供急救,把它留给医学专家来处理(如果你试图帮助他们在伤口中存活并以某种方式搞砸了,你只会让自己面临诉讼)。

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一旦您通知了警察,您绝对不希望警察拿着枪支到达您身边。 一旦你确认不再有威胁,收起你的武器,如果是步枪,就把它放在地上。 不要担心把杂志拿出来,只要把它放在地上一个安全的地方,远离你。 当警察出现时,举起你的手,告诉他们你不是威胁,并告诉他们“他/他们闯进了我的房子,我担心自己的生命安全,我开枪消除了威胁。 在我说更多之前,我需要和我的律师谈谈”

这就是我通过 USCCA 购买 Carry Insurance 的原因。 一个电话,我的角落里就有一位强大的 2A 律师。

最重要的是,警察会来告诉他们这是枪击事件。 他们并不总是会得到您提供给 911 的信息,因此您必须假设他们会在不知道发生了什么的情况下出现。 遵守他们告诉您的任何事情,直到他们确定您是受害者。 如果他们进来看到你手里拿着枪站在罪犯面前,他们会认为你是袭击者,很可能会开枪打死你。 (是的,在很多情况下,警察出现只是为了射错人。确保你只告诉他们他们需要确定你不是威胁的东西“警官,这个人打破了我的门 , 我倒下了,对我的生命感到恐惧,所以我用我的武器消除了威胁。在我和我的律师谈谈之前,我不能再说什么了。

问题是,当警察出现时,你开始说任何你说的话都可能被扭曲或遗忘……或者更糟糕的是,你可以在一时冲动说些什么,然后一旦你的头脑清醒,你就会以不同的方式记住它 …改变你的故事会让你看起来不那么可信。

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开枪后被 USCCA 操的一个例子。
说实话,碰到这种情况不能用其它方式脱身,居然用枪解决,智商堪忧,倒是 USCCA 很好的细分市场。 :face_with_peeking_eye: