如何fix deny made by local agencies?

请问论坛大佬,之前申请CCP permit的时候FBI没有我的最新的I94然后有了一条deny记录,但是最后结果被turnover 然后CCP permit被approve了,但是看起来这个记录从来没被消掉,联系了FBI做NISCS appeal然后FBI给了我如下回复,我现在有点不太明白应该要怎么做?感觉和之前查到的appeal都不是很一样,坐标金县

Unfortunately, the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division does not provide the reason(s)
for delays/denials or process challenges regarding permits issued by state or local agencies that use the
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for firearm-related permit purposes.