
「To legally purchase a silencer or any item falling under the purview of the NFA, you must be at least 21 years of age, a resident of the United States, and have no felony record.」









You will be considered a United States resident for tax purposes if you meet the substantial presence test for the calendar year. To meet this test, you must be physically present in the United States (U.S.) on at least:

  1. 31 days during the current year, and
  2. 183 days during the 3-year period that includes the current year and the 2 years immediately before that, counting:
  • All the days you were present in the current year, and
  • 1/3 of the days you were present in the first year before the current year, and
  • 1/6 of the days you were present in the second year before the current year.

我想起来你的推想有什么问题了。在美国的foreign person, 不能接触到受管制的技术,那算deemed export,但他们可以接触到受管制的产品。换句话说,在美国的土地上,消音器制造的技术机密不能让他们接触到,但消音器让他们摸一下是没有关系的。


消音器只能卖给US resident。不过,不知道这里US resident的具体定义是什么。

家防用消音器不是搞笑吗,长枪还能有QD,手枪你得慢慢悠悠的拧上,拧完匪人估计都跑了。而且家防只要开枪了,你就可以和那把枪kiss bye bye了,放在证物室能不能还你完全看警察心情了。

家防就是要简单粗暴的手枪加霰弹,霰弹pump上膛声音震慑,手枪9mm JHP。在当下的政治环境里,使用任何装满配件的SBR之类的“exotic” weapon都是给自己律师制造麻烦。

当然这是适用于大部分住suburbs独立屋的老中,如果住在几亩地的ranch上拿什么都是open game了。

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例如:Hiring U.S. Citizens Only For ITAR Compliance Can Violate The Immigration and Nationality Act - Wiggin and Dana LLP — Attorneys At Law


如果外國人買的武器在USML列表裏,而且外國人還是敏感國家,那就像學校附近超速,可大可小了。因為「中国属于CCC的D组-关注国家(country of concern),即被认为是对美国存在潜在“威胁”的国家。BIS对中国的CCL包含有超过200个物项,出口上述物项需要事先申请许可证。但在武器领域,中国是被列为“禁运国家”。」消音器肯定屬於USML武器,而中國確實是禁運國家,這點比普通的軍民兩用產品還要麻煩。

你这肯定是错的。Deemed export管的是技术泄露,不是产品本身。这都没什么好说的,在IT公司上班的人都知道。

Deemed Exports

A deemed export is the release to a foreign national in the United States of “technology” or “source code” “required” for the “development,” “production,” or “use” of the controlled pathogen or controlled equipment.

至于Export License,公司要审请是因为职员会接触到技术,而不只是产品。

你要是不懂,就别多想了。Export control的事情非常复杂,有时候连律师都拿不准。


deemed export是BIS的軍民兩用出口管制,消音器肯定不是民用的,不屬於EAR。另外外國人拿在手裡就算possess,更別說拿回家了,應該視同ITAR出口。這個跟以前某人上網發布3D打印槍械的圖紙一樣,違反ITAR,這比違反軍民兩用EAR嚴重多了,最高100萬罰款加20年監禁。。。



Under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 C.F.R. §§ 120-130,1 the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) administers the export and re-export of defense articles, defense services and related technical data from the United States to any foreign destination or to any foreign person, whether located in the United States or abroad. Section 121.1 of the ITAR contains the United States Munitions List (“USML”) and includes the commodities and related technical data and defense services controlled for export purposes. The ITAR controls not only end use items, such as radar and communications systems, military encryption and associated equipment, but also the parts and components that are incorporated into the end use item. Certain non-military items and certain chemical precursors, such as toxins, and biological agents, are also controlled under those regulations.

The ITAR come into play when there is a “Defense article” (i.e. defense article, defense services or related technical data) and an “ITAR controlled activity”.

A. Items Controlled Under the ITAR

The ITAR uses three different terms to designate export-controlled items – defense articles, technical data, and defense services.

  1. Defense Article means any item or technical data that is specifically designed, developed, configured, adapted, or modified for a military, missile, satellite, or other controlled use listed on the USML. Defense articles also include things such as models, mock-ups, or other items, i.e. technical data related to items. Note that sometimes defense articles include items not listed on the USML.

  2. Technical Data means any information for the design, development, assembly, production, operation, repair, testing, maintenance, or modification of a defense article. Technical data may include drawings or assembly instructions, operations and maintenance manuals, and email or telephone exchanges where such information is discussed. However, technical data does not include general scientific, mathematical, or engineering principles commonly taught in schools, information present in the public domain, general system descriptions, or basic marketing information on function or purpose.

  3. Defense Service means providing assistance, including training, to a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad in the design, manufacture, installation, repair, or operation of a defense article, as well as providing technical data. Defense services also include informal collaboration, conversations, or interchanges concerning technical data.

B. The United States Munitions List

The USML controls many items that are almost identical to commercial items. When classifying, it is important to consider that any difference in form, fit, function, performance, and testing or certification procedure can determine whether it will be controlled by the ITAR or the EAR.

The USML always prevails on the Commerce Control List (CCL). Therefore, if both the USML and CCL appear to describe an item, the exporter must presume that the item is controlled by the USML. In brief, the USML should always be checked first.

The USML designates particular categories and types of equipment as defense articles and associated technical data and defense services.The USML divides defense items into 21 categories, listed below. An electronic version of the USML is available on the Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls website.

I. Firearms, Close Assault Weapons and Combat Shotguns → silencer listed

II. Guns and Armament

III. Ammunition / Ordnance

IV. Launch Vehicles, Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Rockets, Torpedoes, Bombs and Mines

V. Explosives and Energetics Materials, Propellants, Incendiary Agents, and their Constituents

VI. Surface Vessels of War and Special Naval Equipment

VII. Ground Vehicles

VIII. Aircraft and Related Articles

IX. Military Training Equipment and Training

X. Personal Protective Equipment

XI. Military Electronics

XII. Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical and Guidance and Control Equipment

XIII. Materials and Miscellaneous Articles

XIV. Toxicological Agents, including Chemical Agents, Biological Agents, and Associated Equipment

XV. Spacecraft and Related Articles

XVI. Nuclear Weapons Related Articles

XVII. Classified Articles, Technical Data and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated

XVIII. Directed Energy Weapons

XIX. Gas Turbine Engines and Associated Equipment

XX. Submersible Vessels and Related Articles

XXI. Articles, Technical Data and Defense Services not otherwise enumerated

C. Classification

While DDTC has jurisdiction over deciding whether an item is ITAR- or EAR-controlled, it encourages exporters to self-classify the item. If doubt exists on the classification of an item, upon written request in the form of a Commodity Jurisdiction (“CJ”), DDTC will provide advice as to whether a particular article is a defense article subject to the ITAR, or a dual-use item subject to Commerce Department licensing. Determinations are based on the origin of the technology (i.e., as a civil or military article), and on its predominant use (i.e. civil or military applications). Therefore, the end-user is inconsequential to the classification. Only the inherent nature of the item is crucial.

University employees should contact the University Export Control Officer (UECO) when classifying an item. If the University of Pittsburgh needs to obtain a CJ determination, the UECO, in conjunction with the Office of General Counsel (OGC), will file the CJ request with DDTC

D. Definition of Export Under the ITAR

The ITAR defines the term “export” broadly. The term applies not only to exports of tangible items from the U.S., but also to transfers of intangibles, such as technology or information. The ITAR defines as an “export” the passing of information or technology to foreign nationals even in the United States.” The following are examples of exports:

Exports of articles from the U.S. territory

  • Shipping or taking a defense article out of the United States.

  • Transferring title or ownership of a defense article to a foreign person, in or outside the United States.

Extra-territorial transfers

  • The re-export or re-transfer of defense articles from one foreign person to another, not previously authorized (i.e., transferring an article that has been exported to a foreign country from that country to a third country).

  • Transferring the registration, control, or ownership to a foreign person of any aircraft, vessel, or satellite covered by the USML, whether the transfer occurs in the United States or abroad.

  • The reexport/retransfer/transfer of non-US origin items that incorporate any US defense articles.

Export of intangibles

  • Disclosing technical data to a foreign person, whether in the United States (“deemed export”) or abroad, through oral, visual, or other means.

  • Performing a defense service for a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad.

  • The reexport/retransfer of non-US origin items produced using US technical data/defense services.

E. Authorization to Export

  1. Registration (ITAR 122) :

The ITAR requires any U.S. person or entity that manufactures, brokers, or exports defense articles/services to be registered with DDTC. Therefore, registration is required even when the activity does not involve the export, reexport/retransfer of items controlled by the USML. Also, it is important to note that exporters should register prior to applying for a license or taking advantage of some license exemption. University researchers are usually engaged only in the creation of unclassified technical data, or engaged only in the fabrication of articles for experimental or scientific purposes, including research and development. Therefore, the university is not usually required to register with DDTC. However, if the university desires to involve foreign nationals in ITAR-controlled research, it must register with the DDTC to apply for a license or take advantage of certain license exemptions.

  1. DDTC Authorizations

Once the registration is complete, an exporter may apply for an export authorization. Under the ITAR, there are different types of authorizations:

Licenses: These are typically used for shipments of hardware, but may also be used for shipments of technical data. The license is provided to Customs with the first shipment of the licensed items.

Agreements: Used when providing a “defense service,” though they can also authorize the shipment of related technical data and hardware. They are essentially a contract between the exporter and the foreign licensee which outlines the scope of the exported defense services, technical data or hardware, and include ITAR required control language.

Exemptions: These are authorizations in the ITAR that allow for the export of hardware, technical data or defense services as described in the ITAR, without obtaining any further written approval from DDTC.

General correspondences Any letter issued by DDTC to the exporter authorizing a certain export of hardware, software or technical data. General correspondence is typically used when referred to in the ITAR or in transactions or activities that do not normally fit into a traditional license, agreement, or exemption approval.

Most types of applications also contain additional certifications / transmittal letters, supporting documentation, and in some cases, non-transfer and use certification from the licensee and / or the foreign government of the licensee.

F. Embargoes Countries Under DDTC Regulations (PRC included)

ITAR Prohibitions. In general, no ITAR exports may be made either under license or license exemption to countries proscribed in 22 C.F.R. § 126.1. Additional restrictions apply to other countries; a complete list of U.S. arms embargoes is available on the DDTC website.

你这个例子里说的出口控制,就是EAR管的Deemed Export。这和ITAR没什么关系。



我個人理解的出口管制分為兩種,ITAR和EAR。ITAR管制武器,EAR管制軍民兩用。ITAR和EAR都有deemed export,但區別是ITAR包括武器本身,EAR不包括產品本身,這是一個重大區別。

譬如,ITAR認為出口武器本身、武器技術、武器服務給在美國的外國人為視同出口。而EAR則只認為技術和設計為視同出口,物品本身和服務不算視同出口。這是一個巨大的區別,賣三級夜視儀本身給在美國的中國人就涉及ITAR視同出口,但賣服務器處理器本身給在美國的中國人不算視同出口,除非是服務器處理器的設計文檔或圖紙。在美國買三級夜視儀的很多中國人都被捕了,案例不止一個。至於為啥買消音器沒人管,可能是消音器中國能自己生產吧。但沒人抓不等於消音器不是USML列表上的ITAR管制物品。OSS flow through消音器還是有技術含量的。



With this in mind, some of the items on this website are subject to the ITAR, and export is strictly prohibited without authorization or a license issued by the U.S. Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. By proceeding with a transaction to purchase any ITAR restricted item, the Customer certifies that (i) the purchase does not require EuroOptic to export such items, unless EuroOptic is aware of the export and has obtained the appropriate U.S. Government authorization; (ii) the Customer does not intend to export such items after receipt from EuroOptic without the appropriate U.S. Government export authorization; (iii) the Customer does not intend to export, transfer, sell, or furnish the item to any foreign person, whether abroad or in the U.S., including any Foreign Embassy in the U.S., without the appropriate U.S. Government export authorization; (iv) the Customer understands that a foreign person under the ITAR § 120.16 means “any natural person who is not a lawful permanent resident as defined by 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(20) or who is not a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. § 1324b(a)(3),” and can mean “any foreign corporation, business association, trust, society, or any other entity or group that is not incorporated or organized to do business in the U.S., as well as international organizations, foreign governments, and any agency or subdivisions of government (e.g. diplomatic missions)” (See ITAR § 120.16); (v) the Customer is a U.S. Person as defined by ITAR § 120.15, meaning the Customer is a lawful permanent resident of the U.S., as defined by 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(20), or is a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. § 1324b(a)(3), or is a “corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group that is incorporated to do business in the U.S., or is a governmental (federal, state, or local) entity” (See ITAR § 120.15).

EAR和ITAR區別大了,你看看我下面的解釋。我始終說的都是ITAR deemed export,不是你說的EAR deemed export,因為消音器是USML武器,不是軍民兩用的電子消費品。

我認為消音器應該是US Person,不是US Resident,普通步槍手槍可以是US Resident。

消音器既屬於ATF NFA的管理,又屬於DDTC ITAR的管理,需要FFL。消音器本身和技術通通受管制。




1 个赞

“ EAR和ITAR區別大了,你看看我下面的解釋。我始終說的都是ITAR deemed export,不是你說的EAR deemed export,因為消音器是USML武器,不是軍民兩用的電子消費品。”

你举的这个例子,就是EAR管的Deemed Export。这种事情你不能网上查查就信口开河,在美国IT公司里工作的华人有一大堆,基本常识都是知道的。

这种合法的歧视,推广开了,涵盖了所有的华人,包括台湾人,因为这些人都说中文。不记得李文和案了?某著名的芯片大厂,为什么华人越来越少,印度人越来越多呢?想得到信任,最好别再说中文了,能说印地语最好。 :rofl:

我舉的這個例子確實是EAR deemed export沒錯,但是並不等於消音器也是EAR deemed export。消音器是ITAR deemed export,這比學生實習的EAR更要嚴格。





ITAR regulations dictate that information and material pertaining to defense and military-related technologies (items listed on the USML) may only be shared with U.S. Persons unless authorization from the Department of State is received or a special exemption is used.

你以前要是对出口控制没有接触过,就多花点时间再了解一下吧。这是个相当复杂的事情 。

我當然知道ITAR,因為工作相關,要不然我怎麼這麼關心這個小眾話題。你寫的那句話有special exemptions看到了沒?那個就是留給北約盟國用的,日本韓國等同於北約盟國,臺灣也類似,有豁免。但是中國是presumption of denial,這就是區別,懂不?

ITAR遠遠強於EAR,EAR相關普通芯片公司可能還有一部分中國人,但ITAR相關軍用公司裡面中國人基本沒有,宣誓入籍的也需要過security clearance,有一些項目家裡直系親屬是中國人也不行。消音器法律意義上就像核武器導彈ITAR公司一樣,只不過沒有執法機構願意花精力enforce。