




1: 消音器是ATF武器,理論上ATF可以隨時登門檢查。消音器註冊到個人的話,是不可以借給朋友使用的,如果家防拿槍的人不是本人,使用消音器是有法律風險的。譬如家裡來了中國親戚,理論上中國親戚是不能觸碰當事人的帶消音器的武器的。即使當事人如果用消音器自衛,防衛過當的話會增加謀殺嫌疑,陪審團不容易解釋。另外如果該州有紅旗法案,消音器也是一大可疑罪狀,被人舉報後警察登門率大大增加,因為普通槍枝通過背景調查後不會存底,但消音器則一定會在ATF登記。還有就是旅遊,把消音器武器放在車裡自衛,也有法律風險。除去這些法律問題,消音器會大大增加武器的故障率,室內使用消音器,武器長度大大增加,更加不便。

2: 300BLK亞音速彈威力很小,一般才500多尺磅,跟PCC .45ACP+P差不多,比AR15的1200尺磅,AK47的1500尺磅差遠了。而且亞音速彈沒有空腔效應,彈頭不會破碎,穿透力比AR15還強,估計很難有AR15那種一槍倒地的效果。另外一個問題是,能穩定發射300BLK的武器選擇很少,彈藥更貴,前幾年彈荒根本就買不到。用300BLK的長槍家防,其實還不如用FNX-45T配.45+P開花彈,價格便宜量又足。300BLK亞音速的開花彈,開花效果不好,因為速度太低了。

關於ATF pistol brace法規,民主黨中期選舉已過,明年就要開始大搞了,情況不容樂觀。AR15手槍可能成為歷史。以後只能AR15步槍或者PCC家防,或者用真正的手槍,而不是AR15手槍這種奇葩。當年禁用撞火槍托,還不是總統一句話?

你说反了吧,是适合大部分美国州,不适合加州等少数州而已 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

你说这个是两个问题,不能混为一谈。首先中国亲戚,如果没有猎证,那么任何火器包括子弹都不能碰,这条涉及到的法律是18.u.s.c.922(y)2的exemption. 至于消音器,只要owner在场,是可以让别人打的。


这更是纯脑补,怎么会大大增加武器故障率的?展开说说? :rofl:

还是得自己去打打看,别老纸上谈兵靠脑补。300即使是亚音,也比45acp强多了,更何况300又不是只能打亚音,300超音的动量并不比ak短管的x39差。你提到的5.56也好,x39也好的动量,都是从长管子打出去的,你看看同样10寸以下的管子打出来,5.56动能还剩多少?不知道的话可以给你的参考,5.56的弹,管子短一寸,速度少200fps :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


我說中國大陸的親戚不能碰消音器,連主人在的時候也不能碰,觸犯的法律是武器出口管制條例ITAR deemed export control:U.S. loosens export curbs on gun silencers | Reuters

那就不知道了,我用的sandman S配8.5寸的di, 一点不吹脸啊?完全不像10寸的5.56 mk18那样喷脸严重,直接熏到眼睛睁不开。

上次打猎用了完全没问题,不知道是不是你的消背压太大。上消有些枪可能确实要tune 一下,比如有些ar可能要换弹簧和buffer,但我还真没遇到调好的还有可靠问题。tilt barrel 手枪我只有挂hybrid 46有过问题,但那是因为消太重,换一般9mm的都没问题

我用的就是hybrid 46,體驗非常差,AR不調整的話非常不可靠,手槍則完全不好用。

哦,那个大b玩意是我最后悔的一个,其他体验都好多了, 尤其专门给556, 762的消。oss更是完全不会有额外背压的问题 :rofl:

「首先中国亲戚,如果没有猎证,那么任何火器包括子弹都不能碰,这条涉及到的法律是18.u.s.c.922(y)2的exemption. 至于消音器,只要owner在场,是可以让别人打的。」


Category I - Firearms and Related Articles

  • (e) Silencers, mufflers, and sound suppressors.

ITAR是出口限制,对于已经在美国,并且有hunting license (符合18usc922y豁免要求)的人,也有限制吗?你的引用里有武器分类的限制,但没看到具体说哪些人不能碰。vegas之类地方的靶场可是有大把做旅游生意的,全自动消音器给钱都可以打

你去查一查deemed export control的解釋,在美國的外國人等同於出口:

我不知道las vegas是不是拿到了特別的出口許可證,但我知道普通美國人都不知道如何申請出口許可證。





可是就我知道的,大陆留学生有消的有很多,不管是个人名义还是trust,OSU就有好几个,都批了。能买枪的就可以买到消。是ATF 不懂法吗?



另外一個更敏感的東西是高檔夜視儀,雖然可以網購,但中國人買也會被調查,雖然不一定會被起訴。管這個的不是ATF,是OEE:Office of Export Enforcement - Wikipedia


The term “possess” means to exercise authority, dominion or control over something. It is not necessarily the same as legal ownership. The law recognizes different kinds of possession.

[Possession includes both actual and constructive possession. A person who has direct physical control of something on or around his or her person is then in actual possession of it. A person who is not in actual possession, but who has both the power and the intention to exercise control over something is in constructive possession of it. Whenever I use the term “possession” in these instructions, I mean actual as well as constructive possession.]

[Possession [also] includes both sole and joint possession. If one person alone has actual or constructive possession, possession is sole. If two or more persons share actual or constructive possession, possession is joint. Whenever I have used the word “possession” in these instructions, I mean joint as well as sole possession.]

来源: Possession of a Firearm or Ammunition in or Affecting Commerce by a Convicted Felon.

严格讲包括去walmart货架上拿一把把玩一下都是class D federal felony,跟在哪无关。当然这里边靶场没事,出事了是游客自己兜着,加之除非撞枪口上也都懒得管,也就这样了。靶场没义务去确认客户的身份,所以只要你不提自己不能possess firearms,靶场就乐的去做你生意。租枪的人自己有责任弄清楚自己是否可以possess firearm。

我剛剛仔細讀了一下武器出口條例,感覺沒有綠卡的中國學生買消音器,全部違反了ITAR,至於為什麼沒有被抓,我也不清楚。可能像經常超速但從來沒有吃過罰單一樣。我估計大部分美國槍店的業務員都不知道ITAR具體是什麼,他們也不會去國務院註冊,這個也不歸ATF管,主管單位是DDTC Directorate of Defense Trade Controls,而且消音器是小魚,他們應該主要管肩扛導彈或戰鬥機之類。

国际武器贸易条例 (英語:International Traffic in Arms Regulations,缩写为ITAR )是美国为了控制与军事有关的货物和服务进出口而制定的一套法规体系。由美国国务院国防武器贸易局负责执行这一条例。其主要目的是严格规制与军事有关的技术和产品的进出口,维护美国的国家安全利益和推进美国外交。


All U.S. manufacturers, exporters, and brokers of defense articles, defense services, or related technical data, as defined on the USML, are required to register with U.S. Department of State. Registration is primarily a means to provide the U.S. Government with necessary information on who is involved in certain manufacturing and exporting activities. Registration does not confer any export rights or privileges, but is a precondition for the issuance of any license or other approval for export.[21] Registration fees start at US$2,250 per year.[22]

Exporting Defense Articles[edit]

Under ITAR, a “US person” who wants to export USML items to a “foreign person” must obtain authorization from the U.S. Department of State before the export can take place.[3]

A “U.S. person” can be

  • a U.S. citizen;
  • a permanent resident who does not work for a foreign company, a foreign government, or a foreign governmental agency/organization;
  • a political asylee;
  • a part of the U.S. government, or
  • a corporation, business, organization, or group that is incorporated in the United States under U.S. law.[8]: § 120.15

A foreign person is any person who is not a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. and includes foreign governments and organizations.[8]: § 120.16 This means that, for example a foreign person who is visiting the U.S. will remain a foreign person for the purposes of ITAR and any export of USML items to them inside the U.S. must be subject to an export authorization. This is similar to the concept of “Deemed Exports” used by the Bureau of Industry and Security within the Department of Commerce in administration of the Export Administration Regulations although the Department of State does not use the term “Deemed Export”[23] (see also “Restrictions on Dual and Third Country Nationals below”).

USML 2022:


USML Category I - Firearms and Related Articles

(a) Firearms using caseless ammunition.

(b) Fully automatic firearms to .50 caliber (12.7 mm) inclusive.

(c) Firearms specially designed to integrate fire control, automatic tracking, or automatic firing (e.g., Precision Guided Firearms).

Note 1 to paragraph (c):

Integration does not include only attaching to the firearm or rail.

(d) Fully automatic shotguns regardless of gauge.

(e) Silencers, mufflers, and sound suppressors.

(f) [Reserved]

(g) Barrels, receivers (frames), bolts, bolt carriers, slides, or sears specially designed for the articles in paragraphs (a), (b), and (d) of this category.

(h) Parts, components, accessories, and attachments, as follows:

(1) Drum and other magazines for firearms to .50 caliber (12.7 mm) inclusive with a capacity greater than 50 rounds, regardless of jurisdiction of the firearm, and specially designed parts and components therefor;

(2) Parts and components specially designed for conversion of a semi-automatic firearm to a fully automatic firearm;

(3) Parts and components specially designed for defense articles described in paragraphs (c) and (e) of this category; or

(4) Accessories or attachments specially designed to automatically stabilize aim (other than gun rests) or for automatic targeting, and specially designed parts and components therefor.

(i) Technical data (see § 120.33 of this subchapter) and defense services (see § 120.32 of this subchapter) directly related to the defense articles described in this category and classified technical data directly related to items controlled in ECCNs 0A501, 0B501, 0D501, and 0E501 and defense services using the classified technical data. (See § 125.4 of this subchapter for exemptions.)

(j)-(w) [Reserved]

(x) Commodities, software, and technology subject to the EAR used in or with defense articles.

Note to paragraph (x):

Use of this paragraph is limited to license applications for defense articles where the purchase documentation includes commodities, software, or technology subject to the EAR (see § 123.1(b) of this subchapter).

Note 1 to Category I:

The following interpretations explain and amplify the terms used in this category:

(1) A firearm is a weapon not over .50 caliber (12.7 mm) which is designed to expel a projectile by the deflagration of propellant;

(2) A fully automatic firearm or shotgun is any firearm or shotgun that shoots, is designed to shoot, or can readily be restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger; and

(3) Caseless ammunition is firearm ammunition without a cartridge case that holds the primer, propellant, and projectile together as a unit.

字面上讲,你说的似乎有一定道理,但这样的人很多是通过trust之类买的,trust本身是us person

所以从ATF处理form 4的角度看,这个东西只是走向了trust,之后的人是谁他们并不需要关心

武器出口管制條例不歸ATF管,消音器也不是什麼高科技或者大規模毀滅性武器,DDTC也不愛管。另外ATF和DDTC也很難單獨確認中國學生的US Person身份,需要由ICE、USCIS、DHS來取證調查,然後叫FBI出人找當地警方配合去法院搞搜查令抓人。

搞這麼大陣仗,就為了抓幾個中國留學生?因為幾百美元的消音器?然後沒有任何人員傷亡?消音器也沒有實際出口到中國。然後若干年後中國留學生也大概率拿綠卡,成為US Person。



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The Legalities Of Silencer Ownership - Stonewall Arms

To legally purchase a silencer or any item falling under the purview of the NFA, you must be at least 21 years of age, a resident of the United States, and have no felony record.

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