【OC游行之前的可怕的,现在看来可笑的一篇文章。不知作者“携枪老牛” 心里笑了没有?心意领了,但是对枪法的了解太不够。】
2016-10-15 携枪老牛 美国华人之声 美国华人之声是由一群美国华人创办的一个网上刊物, 来反映美国华人的现状, 传递美国华人的心声, 刊载美国华人的经典作品。
虽然美国有若干个州允许 open carry,但宾州的情况不太乐观。 宾州枪友会(The Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association)是宾州最大也是最悠久的本地枪友组织(将近100年的历史)。 这个组织的成员大多数是 die hard Republican。 在公开携带枪支这个问题上,我跪求你们看看宾州枪友会他们是怎么说的:
18 Pa.C.S. § 6108: Carrying firearms on public streets or public property in Philadelphia
No person shall carry a firearm, rifle or shotgun at any time upon the public streets or upon any public property in a city of the first class unless:
(1) such person is licensed to carry a firearm; or
(2) such person is exempt from licensing under section 6106(b) of this title (relating to firearms not to be carried without a license).
To summarize, open carry is legal in Pennsylvania without a License To Carry Firearms except in “cities of the first class” (Philadelphia) and vehicles where a License To Carry Firearms is required to do so.
With that said, we would like to point out that there is much debate among firearm owners about whether openly carrying firearms is really a good idea. While we will leave that choice to the individual we will state that in many urban areas (namely Philadelphia) doing so will draw unwanted attention from law enforcement that may include (but not be limited to) the following repercussions:
Being stopped and questioned by law enforcement.
Having your License To Carry Firearms seized and sent back for revocation.
Being arrested either improperly or for other charges like disturbing the peace or creating a public nuisance.
While this may not happen should you choose to carry openly, many urban law enforcement officers we have talked to have expressed a very negative opinion towards the idea. Some have suggested that law enforcement will do everything in their power to make your life difficult should you choose to.
这个意思很明确: (1)在宾州没有法律制止人们在公开场合携带枪支,但在费城等大城市公开携带须有持枪执照。 (2) 在宾州公开携带武器易招来执法人员的格外“关照”。 他们会找其它借口(例如聚众滋事或扰民)把你抓起来,甚至没收你的持枪执照。(3) 宾州许多执法人员多次对公开携带枪支表示极度反感。 如果你一意孤行,硬是在公开场合持枪,他们将会想方设法利用他们的职权让你的今后的日子苦不堪言。
费城华人枪友们,上面这些肺腑之言不是来自于反枪联盟或民主党,而是来自于你们宾州枪协,来自于那些 Die Hard Republicans。 你们这一次不是一人公开持枪上街,而是众人公开持枪游行,其严重性更加显著。 政府虽说找不到法律不批准你们这样做,但绝不会等闲视之。
费城的华人集中聚集的中国城最近连连遭受匪徒的抢劫袭击。 要改善那里的安全,警方的努力必不可少。 现在你们是最需要警方的合作的时候,然而你们公开携带枪支上街游行,不是故意惹恼警方吗? 你们以为公开携带枪支上街游行就能吓跑那些匪徒了? 你们是不是太天真了?
还有,费城的普通民众如果看见一群华人携带枪支公开游行,他们会更多地同情你们的境遇呢,还是会产生反感? 请不要把宾州当德州! 你们本来是暴力的受害者。 但你们这样公开炫耀武力,会得到更多的同情还是厌恶?