这事起因于在几个微信群里的争论,焦点在于持非移民签证者,如果不符合其它豁免条件,是否要保持有效猎照才能继续持有以前合法购买的枪。另外,到靶场租枪打枪算不算持有 (possession)。
http://qiangyou.org/bbs/forum.ph … 7255&extra=page%3D1
枪友会网友 @njhunter 发表了有关的一个帖子,洋洋洒洒一大篇,要点在这几句。
“ 但对于那些用猎照作为依据合法买了枪,但由于某些原因后来不能合法买猎照的朋友,只要你没犯刑事罪,而且这个罪禁止你用枪,那么没有猎照你不用担心,你的枪买时是合法拥有的,现在仍然合法拥有,你不需要新的没过期的猎照。因为你以前的猎照虽然过期了,但依然是"a hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States" ”
这个争论是有关联邦法 18 USC 922(g)(5)(B) 和 922(y)(2) 的问题,当然要向联邦执法机构澄清,跟州法没有必然的关系。该网友和我都联系了联邦烟酒火器爆炸物管理局 ATF,他的 Email 发到了管 FFL 执照的 Federal Firearm Licensing Center,自然没有回答。他打去电话,得到的回答是,不必一直保持有效的猎照。
我对此答案抱有怀疑,认为该网友没有问对地方,就另外发了 Email 到 ATF 的 Firearms Industry Programs Branch 去问。他们说 90 天内回复,但今天居然就收到答案了,正好一周。全文如下:
Mr. XXX,
Thank you for your recent inquiry to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). This is in response to your email, in which you inquired about nonimmigrant aliens who have entered the United States on a nonimmigrant visa.
Your questions (Q) and our answers (A) follow:
Q1: For example, one such non-immigrant alien was holding a valid hunting license when he purchased a firearm through an FFL. But later on he didn’t renew the hunting license when it expired and now he is not in possession of any valid hunting license. He also does not fall in any other exceptions stipulated under 922(y). My question is, is he now in violation of 922(g)(5)(B) and possesses illegally the firearm he legally purchased previously?
A: The definition of a for a Hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States is found in 27 CFR 478.11 (注1) which states, in part: A license or permit issued by a State for hunting which is valid and unexpired. Accordingly, the license or permit or permit must remain valid and unexpired to possess such firearm after acquisition.
Q2: Does the definition of “possession” in 922(g)(5)(B) also include non-immigrant alien such as foreign tourist renting/shooting firearms in a commercial or private target range?
A: 922(g)(5)(B) pertains to only to nonimmigrant aliens admitted to the United States on a nonimmigrant visa. It does not apply to other lawfully admitted nonimmigrants who were not admitted on a nonimmigrant visa (i.e., visa waiver nonimmigrants, Canadian citizens not requiring a nonimmigrant visa, etc.). Please see Page 2 of the March 2013 Newsletter (注2)which has relevant information pertaining to rental of firearms at shooting ranges.
In addition, there may be State laws that pertain to this proposed activity. Contact State Police units or the office of your State Attorney General (www.naag.org) for information on any such requirements.
We trust the foregoing has been responsive to your inquiry. Should you have additional questions, please contact your local ATF office. A listing of ATF office phone numbers can be found at: ATF Field Divisions | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
L. Babbie | Firearms Enforcement Specialist
U.S. Department of Justice | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Firearms Industry Programs Branch
99 New York Avenue NE, Mail Stop 6.N-518
Washington, DC 20226
- 猎照必须是“有效且未过期”(valid and unexpired)的。请看注1里"Hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States"的定义。
- 即使在靶场里租枪和打枪也完全符合持有(possession)的定义,持非移民签证者也要完全遵守有关的限制和豁免条件。请看注2里"Rental of Firearms On-Premises"一段。
- 比较有趣的是,如果是根据免签证协议(Visa Waiver Program)入境者或者加拿大公民无签证入境,就不符合 922(g)(5)(B) 的定义也不受限制。
注1:27 CFR 478.11 - Meaning of Terms.
注2:ATF FFL Newsletter, March 2013
https://www.atf.gov/firearms/doc … 3-volume-2/download